I have sinned against another
One whose love for me runs deep
And in the passion of the moment
I didn’t care that I would reap
The displeasure of my Father
For the price He paid was steep
When His only Son paid with His life
Now anew, I hear Him weep.
In the turmoil that has followed
Not the way I’d pictured it
For my own reduced perspective
Though would hit me like a brick
But instead, my loving Father
Gently held me as He spoke
And He showed me His perspective
I saw His heart that I had broke
For He had given me a treasure
And I’d turned it into trash.
His purpose was my pleasure.
Now my fears have come to pass.
I saw myself, not as a giant
Or an example for the cause
But just a lowly human being
With a heart so full of flaws.
Christ walked with me through the valley
Of separation caused by sin
It was remorse and true repentance
That reconnected me to Him.
Complete forgiveness from my Father
Oh, what a sweet release
As again I feel His pleasure
In this heart restored with peace!
Written March 2000
Copyright © 2021 by Terri Art