About Us

Hi! I’m Terri and yes, I’m 60-something, though not sure how this happened for I was merely going along in life when “Boom!” I was celebrating my 60th birthday. What in the world?? Considering it took me well into my 30’s to finally feel like an adult, how can I be on my way to Senior-ville when all I did was blink?

But I say, thank God! Thank God that my life is anchored in Christ, the solid Rock! Thank God that He called me to follow Him when I was in my teens! And thank God that He has walked with me and talked with me for 50 years now! That, my friend, is a lot of living with the One who called me by my name and changed my life forever! There is so much to reflect on and review as I’m sure you know as well as I that life is not a cake-walk . (And I happen to like cake as much as the next guy.)

The dude in the pic with me is my husband. His name is Angel but you can’t let that fool you. He may act as my protector, but angel, he is not. Angel is not particularly impressed with this decade of being 60, especially since his goal was to stay young forever. Instead, we both find that everything is changing and changing too fast.

When I think about how many years it takes to get to 60 (like 60?) and then compare that to how many possible years are left on the other side, well  BAM! We could be two-thirds done. Makes me think of those multi-story slides where you climb up and up and around and around seemingly taking way too long to get to the platform at the top. Once there, you sit down and begin your descent and even amidst the many unexpected twists and turns, you still find yourself at the bottom in what seems like no time flat.

Yet for us, it seems 60 has become our platform where we are apparently heading down the ‘fun’ side. But honestly, I agree with Angel, that this is when it all began to change – our minds, our memories, our bodies, our energy levels, and yes, especially our perspectives.

So much living has happened in these ‘climbing’ years. So rather than lament or try to cling to the phases behind me, I’ve determined to fully embrace the continuing journey – the adventure of a life still anchored on Christ, my Rock and Foundation. And now I invite you to journey with me as I share my heart and life and loves in this blog!
