When Verses Don’t Match the Decor

Back in the day when life was normal, before the pandemic, I faithfully attended church every Sunday and in-between. Something that was done at Saint James Church each week was to make available a laminated 8.5×11 scripture verse for the taking. These handouts were intentionally copied onto bright or ugly-colored paper so they would not become a standard part of one’s home décor. Rather, the colors were chosen so you would actually notice them hanging around, and thus be reminded of God’s words and promises. We referred to them as Scripture Walls.

Various suggestions were made regarding how one could appropriate these Scripture Walls to the benefit of themselves and others. For example:
• Line them up on the wall in a child’s room and, with some creativity, make them into a train chugging along the wall.
• Deliver one to someone who is sick or hospitalized and in need of encouragement.
• Put one up in your car as a quick reminder when you are driving.
• Post them in any room of your house so you can glance at them on your way through.
• Pass them on to friends and loved ones who may need a lift.

Some time ago, we did a Scripture Wall series on the books of the Bible. From Genesis to Revelation, every Sunday a laminated verse from the next book was made available. I decided to hole-punch this collection and place them in a 3-ring binder which I entitled “66 BOOKS.” This, I found, makes for some great reading in the evening by the fire, as it provides a glance-by-glance overview of God’s Word!

For quite some time we faithfully collected these handouts and took them home. There they piled up until they were unearthed while packing to move. In our new, downsized quarters, I decided it was time to hang some of these up so they could actually remind us of God’s truths and promises on a regular basis. Having limited wall space, I decided to cover the inside of our entrance door with Scripture Walls.

Still, quite a stack of Scripture Walls remained; so, I thought I’d take some to work to see if any of the residents in my Assisted Living Facility would want one to hang in their room. I discovered plenty of interest and things kind of grew from there. Soon we were meeting monthly for an activity dubbed, “Table Talk with Terri.”

The way it worked was, one Saturday of every month, I would spread the stack of Scripture Walls on a table and any interested residents would gather to check them out. They would go through them, read the verses, and then choose one for the month. Some returned a previous verse for a new one, while others just wanted to add to their growing collection. It became one of our most popular activities. It gave me much joy to watch and listen as we discussed the Scriptures they chose and then took turns reading them to the group.

If someone was struggling to read or to even see the words on their page, others would help out. I recall one time, a particular resident – a believer, whose vision was almost gone – was having difficulty seeing the words on the handouts and was getting frustrated. The resident sitting next to her – one who had basically given up on any belief or faith she ever had in God – offered to help the struggling resident. She took the needed time to read verses out loud for her struggling neighbor. What a blessing to see both return to their rooms with a verse to post on their wall that day!

These sharing times drew us closer to one another and as a group. Plus, we were able to learn and grow in caring and respect for each other with the bits of insight into the lives and hearts of those we now regularly rub shoulders with.

It was also a joy for me, during my workday, to enter the room of a resident and see posted collections of Scripture Walls around their room! A vivid reminder for them (and myself) that God sees and cares. This also provided numerous opportunities to talk about God’s love and His care for them as individuals. For we know from Scripture that “His Word is alive and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword” (Hebrews 4:12); and also “the Word that goes from His mouth will not return empty, but will accomplish what He desires, to achieve the purpose for which it was sent” (Isaiah 55:11). I personally found that having God’s Word posted on walls around one’s workplace is an incredibly powerful motivator and reminder!

While I no longer work at this Assisted Living Facility, I did leave a stack of Scripture Walls and written instructions for any staff member that felt inclined to take over the leading of this activity with the residents who enjoyed it for so many months.

Currently, with so many things different in our world and in our church since the beginning of this Covid19 pandemic, I do not know if St. James Church will again provide laminated bright and ugly-paper Scripture Walls. However, I do know that, for a season, the residents at New Day Cottage and I were able to share some blessings and sweet times with these amazing reminders of God’s abiding love and constant care for each of us!

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